Britannia Terrace Houghton Le Spring Tyne And Wear DH4 6HL

0191 500 5958

Dubmire Primary Academy

Proud to be part of Aim High Academy Trust

Governors information and duties


Message from the Chair of Governors


Dear Parent/Carer


As Governors we are dedicated to ensuring the academy delivers the best all round education for our children.  We are confident that the warm, friendly and exciting learning environment offered by the Headteacher, Teachers and Support Staff will make your child’s time here a very happy and productive one. We take great pride that Dubmire Primary provides a safe and caring environment where all are valued and supported by an experienced and a well-motivated team.  


Governors can be contacted through the school office on 01915005958.



Mr P Brown

Chair of Governors



Dubmire Primary Academy

Local Governance Committee

Peter Brown - Chair of Governors

Sue Wides - Vice Chair of Governors

Graham Stephenson - Chief Executive Officer

Emma Jarvis - Headteacher

Lynn Rowntree - Associate Governor

Angela Oyston - Staff Governor

Joseph Hammond - Parent Governor

Lauren Thornhill - Parent Governor

Amy Watson - Parent Governor


The Chair of Governors, Mr. Peter Brown, can be contacted via the admin team at the school office, 0191 5005958.  Alternatively, any correspondence for the chair can be given to the school office in a sealed envelope or alternatively posted to the school address.


For more information about our Trust Governors, visit: