SMSC and British values
At Dubmire, we ensure that all pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum. SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development) underpins much of our curriculum. We recognise that the personal development of our pupils plays a significant role in their ability to learn and to grow into well-rounded active citizens.
We aim to provide an education that provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop:
- Their own values and beliefs
- Spiritual awareness
- High standards of personal behaviour
- A positive and caring attitude towards other people
- An understanding and respect for their own and others social and cultural traditions
- An appreciation of the diversity and richness of cultures and the world around them
SMSC is taught through discrete lessons (R.E. and PSHE), but is also an integral part of everything that we do.
For more information, please see the Personal Development area of our website.